About the Executive Associate Pastor Position
The Executive Associate Pastor is to serve as a key leader in the church. They will oversee the operational functions of the church while also contributing to pastoral care, spiritual development, and ministry leadership. They will supervise the ministry directors, creating clear goals, expectations, and accountability. They will foster a culture of teamwork, spiritual growth, and professional development. They will provide leadership and direction for the individual ministries and feedback and resources to help them grow. They will serve as the point person for ministry conflicts or challenges, ensuring resolution aligns with Biblical principles and church policies.
The Executive Associate Pastor will assist in preaching and leading worship, bringing God's Word through the Holy Scripture, and providing biblical teaching in a classroom setting. They will serve as a trusted advisor and partner to the Senior Pastor, providing input on major decisions and initiatives. They will provide pastoral care to the staff and congregation, support the Senior Pastor in officiating weddings, memorials, and baptisms, and be a resource to the Deacons. They will have a forward-thinking attitude that embraces innovation while honoring the church's heritage and flexibility to navigate changes and lead effectively in times of both growth and challenges.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why is The Village Church conducting a search for a new Executive Associate Pastor?
An Executive Associate Pastor is integral to our church's mission and ministry, assisting with worship, pastoral care, and overseeing a large group of ministry directors and deacons. The Reverend Jan Cook has excelled in her role as Interim Associate Pastor since she joined us in the fall of 2022. The time has come to identify who God is calling to serve our congregation on a permanent basis.
While we carry out the formal components of a pastoral job search, we will pray for God's presence each step of the way.
2. Why can't Jan Cook take the job?
The Village Church is extremely grateful that Rev. Jan Cook came out of retirement in 2022 to help expand upon the role of our Associate Pastors. She has worked closely with Pastor Jack to bring spiritual care and leadership development to the church staff as they embraced new director roles with elevated levels of responsibility. Pastor Jan accepted this post with the full intention it would be temporary, making it clear she was willing to stay until the church found a permanent replacement to serve the congregation and staff.
3. Is the church conducting a nationwide search or just considering candidates in California?
The Village Church will conduct a nationwide search, using standard job posting agencies. An Executive Associate Pastor Nominating Committee (EAPNC) comprised of church members will be tasked with creating a job description and evaluating the candidates who apply.
4. What are the qualifications for the new Executive Associate Pastor?
The parameters have not been established at this time, pending the formation of the EAPNC. But the ideal candidate will have experience as a Presbyterian pastor with a strong track record of worship leadership, spiritual care, and staff management.
In addition, the ideal candidate should have strong administrative skills with a deep understanding of spiritual care for the staff and congregation.
5. How long will it take to find the right candidate?
It typically takes between 12 and 15 months for a church of our size to choose the right candidate.
6. What is the financial impact on the church?
The salary of an Executive Associate Pastor is in our current operations budget. The EAPNC works on a volunteer basis. There may be some costs associated with the search and hiring process, but these will be carefully managed.
7. Who is on The Village Church Nominating Committee and how will they choose the candidates to be on the EAPNC?
The congregation elects two members to serve on the Nominating Committee each year for a three- year term and Session appoints two serving elders to chair the committee. The current Nominating Committee is comprised of: Tom Bowman, Leslie Conner, Bill Hoehn, Jason Karches, Julie MacNeil, and Robin Singer with elders Tony Cason and Michael Dyer.
This Committee will identify a slate of candidates to serve on the EAPNC and present that slate for approval of the congregation. The process of identifying candidates for the EAPNC will begin immediately.
EAPNC - Download HERE
Once approved, the first item of business for the EAPNC will be the creation of a comprehensive job description, which will be approved by Session. Then, the job opening will be advertised nationwide. All applications for the position will be screened by the committee and qualified candidates will be invited for interviews. When a final candidate for the position is determined, the Congregation will vote to approve the terms of call.
Presbytery will support the EAPNC in providing consulting on the call process, vetting selected candidates, and when the final candidate is presented to Presbytery for examination.
8. Does the congregation have a say in who gets chosen?
Yes, the final candidate and terms of call for the candidate will be subject to an approval vote by the congregation.
9. I have friends who may be interested in the job. How do they submit their resumes?
A great way to find the ideal candidates is through connections among our congregation, Presbytery, and pastors. Please send us your recommendations at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We appreciate the gesture.
10. We love Pastor Jan and will miss her presence at The Village Church. Are there plans to honor her with a gathering of the congregation?
Of course! We have plenty of time to plan a wonderful celebration of her tenure at The Village Church. It is sure to be a memorable event. If you would like to be part of the planning, please let us know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. All are welcome to help us say thank you!